Lickin' some maps
And now for something completely different... For the past couple of days I've been working on a new little project called maplick. It's a fun little browser game, an awesome time-waster and actually rather good for your brains!It's really rather simple. You are presented with a blank map of Europe and asked to find a country. If you get the country right you get a point, otherwise a point will be deducted from your score and the actual name of that country is shown. If you get bored with Europe you can even switch to the USA and try to find all the states.
It's still a very early beta version and currently only works in the Firefox and Safari browsers. Nevertheless many new features such as highscores, a timer and more maps to explore are under development.
You can also follow maplick on twitter or become a fan on facebook and be informed about the latest updates.
Have fun licking those maps!