Thursday, May 10, 2007

City Hopping

Stockholm was simply amazing. One of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen in my life. I walked around the south part a bit, saw the royal palace in the old town and found a trashy record store in some small alley. There wasn't much time since, as previously mentioned, Tallinn called for me...

Apart from groups of policemen on every other corner, the city is very quiet. So far no riots could be observed. Maybe, me spending more time at that conference, being surrounded by geeks, is more or less keeping me from seeing what's actually going on outside?

Anyway, today there was a big party, held by a big Internet search company, you might know them, maybe... Got loads of merchandise from them which will be distributed among Viennese crowds eventually.

Also photos have been made. Though, me stupid, obviously forgot to bring his USB cable to transfer stuff to the laptop and upload it on the mighty Internet. So people reading this have to wait until me arrival in Vienna for fun photos and what not.

Speaking of which, I will arrive in Vienna on the ... Nah, won't tell over here since someone might want to come to the airport to surprise me. Or even wants to pretend, having wanted to be there and ... Ahhh, whatever. This is not the place for personal shit like that anyway.

So see you soon, or maybe better not?

Not to forget:

"Penis mightier than the Sword"

Good Night!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Only a few more days before I'll be on my way traveling to Tallinn and what do I have to read in the news today?

"Estonian TV Predicts Uprising on May 9

Estonian Channel 2 has reported that Russian-speaking youth in Estonia to revolt on May 9, Victory Day in Russia. According to the television channel, the youth intend to launch a protest on May 1 and begin a general strike the next day that will turn into a revolt on May 9.
The channel predicted that Estonian authorities could use the army to put down the revolt, which would lead to a sharp react from Russia.

Rioting began in Estonia on the evening of April 27 when the monument to the Soviet Soldier was removed from downtown Tallinn and the exhumation of the Soviet soldiers buried beneath it began. Estonian Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo has stated that the monument would be re-erected in Military Cemetery in Tallinn on May 8."

