Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wanna come to Amsterdam? Prepare to stay!

It becomes more and more apparent to me that I will not leave this city anytime soon. It is just too beautiful, too awesome and too intense to live here. And this is not only what I'm experiencing. Many people I meet were prepared to stay here for a few months, now they have been living here for years. It's almost like if this city would be consciously pulling people in it's ban. Very scary one has to admit...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kiss Me Where the Sun Won't Shine

Yesterday Jarvis Cocker played in Amsterdam. While it was certainly not Pulp he was also not as boring as on his studio recordings. In fact he made quiet a show and all in all rocked the shit out of Amsterdam's Paradiso.
More photos still have to come, especially some of ones birthday party and of the storm that almost brought and end to this beautiful city last week. Therefore the next post will be a step backwards before we move on as usual.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lost in the Supermarket

Good day, lads and gents. Amsterdam got me again. Weekend was wild. Swedish girls seem to be, opposed to ones (my) believes, very able to hold their drinks. Some dude wanted me to come with him to his apartment, had to tell him that I'm already in love with another man. And by the time I could not stand up straight anymore some Dutch guy tried to punch me because I spoiled his drink (accidenally, while dancing). Lucky enough he seemed to have been seeing me double which made it rather difficult for him to actually hit me. At that point there was obviously nothing left to do than pack the swedish goddesses on my bike and drive home for a wild orgy... Then I woke up.

Apart from that I'm enjoying the last days of my live as a 23 year old. Let's see if things get better once one turns 24. I doubt it.

That's all it, once more. Next time I'll be getting some pictures for you to look at.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Leaving Home, Going Home

My first and last words from Vienna for this season. I'm at the Vienna airport waiting for my flight to take me back home. Home? Where might that be? I for one, don't know. Very strange feelings are to be had during those last hours, minutes, seconds... Is it the lack of sleep? Should one not dance all night at the Flex before a long trip? Or is it the end of a week-long depression that pretty much drowned this holiday?

Maybe one should complain less. After all one had a good time. Well, with all this money spent it better was a damn good time.

Now Amsterdam is waiting again. Hopefully my home is still there and my bike not stolen. Well, one will see soon... Good Night, Vienna!