Friday, November 23, 2007

Surfing Couches and What Not...

Oh there, it's not December yet and still you'll have something new to read (and to look at). So, last weekend there was an Italian/Danish/American invasion going on in my flat. With pure excitement those strangers surfed my couch...

We had a fairly drunk tour through Amsterdam's liquor and beer pubs tasting the most wonderful beverages anyone could ever imagine in a Dutch city... And all while listening to great stories about The Netherlands and the rest of the world.

During the nights that Rumanian Band (Fanfare Ciocarlia) was seen right after some lovely Ethopian food... (How much more international can be on a single weekend?) Well, the band... Amazing... Instead of the usual one more song on stage after the show, they walked in through the entrance, that is normally only used by mortals like me, and played another half an hour while everybody was going mad around them. Again, I need to throw in a picture here, sorry for shitty cellphone camera:

Apart from getting drunk your dear writer showed off his Amsterdam-Sight-Seeing skills and, besides other things, took someone to the probably highest point in the city, Club 11, where the most adorable picture ever taken of anybody was made :)

Next week Vienna will be invaded, then this never-ending journey takes me all the way over the Atlantic Ocean, but not much further ;) Extensive reports will follow, maybe, eventually, who knows...

Friday, November 09, 2007

Work 'n Squatters

So, here we are once again. Life as a member of the graduate society has not proven easy so far. Instead of being relaxed by the lack of obligation to study all the time, everything else around me got so stressful that I can't even imagine how I ever had time to even look at my books...

It's not all that dark of course. Another weekend of pure joy is approaching. Many people will have to be met and pints of Guinness will hopefully make me strong for next week.

Obviously I can't let you, my dear reader, with out some random pictures. So, there is one of me in my office ...
... and me and my colleague explaining interesting stuff to some person at that big bi-annual conference ...

... and a shitty cell phone picture of police trying to get squatters out of a house by using water throwers and a box on the roof ...

... was the box magic ??? nobody knows ...

That's it for now. More to come, maybe in December...