Friday, March 30, 2007

Talking about ... me?

Pushing in a quick update before the end of March.

I've been rather busy lately. Work wants to be done, thesis wants to be written, house wants to be cleaned... I only want a cold beer.

It's now also official that previously proposed statements will hold true as I happen to just have gotten my very first real job. Starting date, July 6th 2007. Yep, still quiet some time in the future but lots of stuff needs to be finished before that.

Currently I'm struggling with people who should send me to Tallin in May. However (and here comes the wise one for today) as with most things in life, if you really want them you will get them. Except for girls of course, who are as usual the exception and represent the very opposite.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Feels like Summer

Not much else to say. The weather is plain awesome these days. Yesterday, for the first time this year, people would be sitting outside the windmill as opposed to warming themselves inside like they tend to throughout the "winter".

Temperatures today are close to 16 degrees and while it won't be as hot throughout the week there might be a few more nice days to enjoy before April's forerunners hit us with unpleasant rain and cold winds.

So get out, see stuff, have a good time. Me however will be locked in all day... Work.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Talking about self-proclaimed hypocrites...

The other day I found myself walking into a restaurant ordering a Thai fish curry dish. Turned out to be hot as hell burning most of my inner organs. It could have burnt a bit more though, since there is not much use for those other parts anyway...

I'd like to sleep all day. A few days ago an overwhelming tiredness overcame me which is still lasting up to this very minute.

My unhealthy lack of writing may (please) be excused though it is highly unlikely that I will change in this matter.

Thoughts had around the January, 25th seem to hold true. Waking up from everlasting sleep would help escaping this very mess, though equally unlikely.

Someone, send me a post card please, I'm dying to hear from you.

(Or was that dying from hearing from you? Nevermind...)