Monday, August 14, 2006

Where is the Dance?

If anyone thought Melkweg would be the place to go on a Saturday night in Amsterdam, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you were wrong. For a 10 euro entry fee you get overpriced beer, a shitty art gallery with photographs, my 3 year old cousin could have made, and a DJ that doesn't even deserve to be called a DJ. Some of the worst music I have heared in a long time. Even the girls sucked.

Thank good this is not the usual business in Amsterdam. A few blocks away from Melkweg a rather good night club called The Last Waterhole was to be found. On entrance the Beasty Boys made the crowd dance when soon after a funky rocking jazz combo took over the stage. The drummer went nuts over one song and the singer managed to push the already excited crowd to it's limits.

All in all a good weekend. Nevertheless an overwhelmingly appealing dance club still has to be found.

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