Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moscow and the Russian Federation

So there, I know I've been lazy with writing around here, maybe I'll change that (probably not though).

Yesterday I arrived in the glorious Federation of Russia, a truly different world I tell you. Moscow is fucking huge and bloody expensive.

What looked like a mid-range restaurant turned out to be one of the most expensive meals I've ever had. 60 Euros for a main course that was just a few pieces of meat and some fried vegetables!?! WTF? It was amazingly good though, I have to admit. And at least I know now why our per diem is so high around here.

Walking/Traveling around the city is a bit intimidating. Everything is amazingly huge, nobody speaks anything but Russian and the signs are strange and unreadable. Tomorrow I'll be visiting the Red Square and hopefully get to see the Kremlin and a few other sights. I promise I will post some photos once I'm back in Amsterdam, but I won't promise any further ;)

Tonight there is a big party going on. Traditional Russian dinner, I hear that is 90% Vodka and 10% meat, yumm!

Oh, and finally for those Viennese missing me a bit, I'll be back for a few days beginning/mid October...

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