Friday, September 22, 2006


Another week almost over and still no news on the promised treasure hunt. Weather was bad last sunday and me pretty lazy these days. Lots of work to catch up with while not even being sure weather to look forward to the weekend or not. Dutch course started... Ik ben Franz en ik woon in Amsterdam. Pretig met u kennis te maken. But that's about it, will change soon however. Soon nobody will notice that I haven't lived here since the day I was born. Also my Backgammon skills are getting better. If you see some guys hanging out at a corner in the Brouwersgracht playing Backgammon one of them is probably me. Still have to beat the master of Backgammon called Damien. But soon... Soon revenge will come. Ah, well. Probably boared you enough already. Work is hunting me down. Have a nice weekend everybody!

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