Thursday, September 28, 2006

Election Massacre

Elections are coming up in Austria, which means fellow me has to vote. I applied for my "Wahlkarte" (the thingy you need to vote outside your hometown) about two weeks ago. Guess when it arrived... Today. Well, what would one expect from good ol' snail mail? But that's not enough. Now I'm left with 3 days finding me someone with an Austrian passport. Alternatively I could go to the embassy. Conveniently the Amsterdam embassy is closed these days, and the nearest one is in Den Haag, about an hour and half away from here. Well, at least their opening hours are rather generous (7-12 am). And since it would all be way to easy for me anyway, I have to return the goddamn thing by 9th of October, which might be quiet tricky concerning the two weeks it took to get everything over here in the first place.

And everything just to choose between a douche and a turd...

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